Wednesday, February 4, 2009

TAG! I'M IT!!!

I've been Tagged by Tipi. I was given these rules:

A. First list 10 honest things about yourself - and make it interesting, even if you have to dig deep!
B. Pass the award on to 7 bloggers that you feel embody the spirit of the Honest Scrap.

Here goes:

1. I always have been, and probably always will be extremely PRISSY! I love the color pink...ANYTHING and EVERYTHING! I like to wear heels, dresses, and skirts. I never played softball, basketball, or volleyball. I tried tennis and golf as a little girl, but got way too sweaty. Yes! I was that girl who loved to cheer and tumble!!!
2. I LOVE to cook and clean. Call me crazy, but there is just something about them that is relaxing to me. I am always up for trying new recipes. If you have any good ones, send them my way!
3. I have recently become a "product junkie" (thanks Paige Casto)! I love to try different kinds of lotions, face wash, makeup, lip gloss, chapstick, shampoo/conditioner, hair products, soaps, perfumes, and the list goes on and on! On any given day I will have five different lotions or perfumes under my cabinet, and won't be able to decide which one to wear that day!
4. I lived in five different states the first year Levale and I were married! We started out in Alabama, moved to Florida for Spring Training, then to Pennsylvania to start the season, got moved up to Ohio in June, got moved up to Washington DC in September, and finally back to Alabama! I got a nice warm welcome to the "baseball world!" I wouldn't trade it for anything in this world. I miss my friends while I am gone, but I have been lucky to have the most amazing group of women on the road! I won't know what to do with myself when baseball comes to an end...I think I will be extremely bored!!!
5. I can't wait to be a mommy! I want to be that mommy that carts five kids around at one time! I want to plan FUN activities so all the children will want to come to our house! I absolutely adore children!
6. Although I do travel eight months out of the year, I HATE TO FLY!!! I get so scared. My tummy starts turning, and I lose my breath as the plane takes off and starts to land . I have very bad plane anxiety. Levale never believed me because he always flies with the team, and I fly alone. He got to see first hand to and from Aruba! I have found now that I do MUCH better with drugs!!!
7. I love candy. All types, colors, sizes, and shapes! Anything with sugar in it does wonders for me! My daddy wanted to name me "Candy" which would have fit my obsession, but my mom said NO WAY! I'm glad he didn' offense, but I think it sounds like a strippers name!!! :-)
8. I am the biggest cry baby! I cry when I am happy, sad, excited, hurt, when I hear songs, read books, see pictures, watch TV/movies, EVERYTHING!!! I will sit in church and not be able to sing a song because I can't regain my composure. Poor Levale!
9. I want to learn to sew! I have been helping at the Methodist church, and all the kids have the most precious clothes. I have got to learn to make them. I figure that will be a great new hobby for me!
10. I think elderly people are the cutest things ever! I love them all! The sweet ones and the salty ones. I enjoy listening to their stories. They are all full of wisdom and knowledge. All they need is a little TLC...I miss working with them so much. They made me laugh, cry and smile all at the same time!

Sue Bacsik
Erin Wagner
Kelly Gross
Beth Register
Stephanie Perrault
Lindsey Alsobrook
Mindy Basquin


The Galimore Family said...

I enjoyed reading about you! We have loved having you help out at Sonshine! You are so good with the kids:)

Ford Family said...

your so sweet and fun...enjoyed reading all about you!! :)

The Alsobrook Family said...

Lindsey Alsobrook! Are you kidding me? I was just reading along thinking "wonder who she tagged?" Here I go.....

Anonymous said...

Oh my Perri, #8 is sooo me, too!!! I cry at just about every church service, especially alter calls, I'm a disaster!