Thursday, March 12, 2009

Thank You Precious Lord

For those of my reader's who are still in the dark, Levale got a job!!! Praise Jesus!!! At the beginning of last week, his agent got a call from the MARLINS saying they were interested. We were very excited, but didn't want to get our hopes up because it was so late! Thursday FINALLY rolled around and his agent called. The Marlins made an offer, and we took it!!! Late Friday afternoon, Levale received a call, and they said he had to be there MONDAY!!! Of course, we were excited, but never dreamed we would have to be there so quick. Needless to say, there was not enough time for us both to get ready. We packed him up, had our farewell friends and family dinners, and he left Monday morning around 7:45. It was an extremely emotional, HARD day for us both! We have done this a million times before, but with us expecting our little miracle, and with the new found hormones I have :-), it was so much harder than normal! He arrived safely in Jupiter, FL around 6:45, and is doing SUPER. I was so worried about him going by himself with it being a new team, but once again our Almighty Lord has taken care of us both! He has a very nice roommate from California, and has met some really neat guys! He had his first Bible Study last night with the Cardinals and the Marlins. It went well, and he seemed to really enjoy it! Please continue to keep him in your prayers as he prepares mentally, physically, and emotionally for the upcoming season. We are so blessed and know our good Lord has amazing things in store for us. We can't wait for Him to reveal them!

As for me, I am doing great! I have been staying really busy. My sweet little sister, Mary Carlton has moved in with me, Mags, and Bo, so we don't have to be by ourselves while Daddy is gone! It has been so nice to spend quality time with her. She is growing into a beautiful young woman before my eyes. I miss her so much during the season!
I am feeling super. Just getting bigger!!! I feel like I have already gained 20lbs! I will go meet Levale next Friday in Jupiter for about a week, and then come back to go to the Doctor on March 30, before I leave for the season! Please continue praying for our precious little miracle. We can not wait to bring "our" first Child of God into this world!!!
The PROUD sister and brother! This is how we told my parents, Ticer, Mary Carlton, and Mammy! Thank you to my sweet friend, Beth Register, for the idea!!!

Also, our last Dr.'s appointment, my sweet Doctor, Dr. Wade Alverson, let Levale see our miracle before he left! Dr. Alverson insisted he couldn't go without seeing our sweet baby first. He did an ultrasound and we got to see the little heartbeat. It was so FAST and so exciting!!! I can't describe the feelings we both felt for this child...tears started flowing, and we were both in awe of the miracle God has blessed us with! Thank you precious Lord for this life that is a gift from you.

Our little blessing! Our sweet baby is so tiny, but Levale did get to see...thank you Dr. Alverson!

I thank Christ Jesus our Lord, who has given me strength, that he considered me faithful, appointing me to his service. 1Timothy 1:12


Stephanie said...

Congrats on the new job! God is ALWAYS so good!! I know it all will go well with the move! Loved seeing the little one - so awesome for Dr. Alverson to let you guys have the u/S! Keep us updated. In our prayers!!!

S. L. Perrault said...

We are soo happy for you guys and glad that Levale got to see the baby before he left. This will definitely be an exciting year for you guys. You are in our prayers!! Hugs from the Perraults

Amy Adams said...

That is SO awesome Perri! I am glad things are going so well for you!

Mrs. Dennis said...

Hey Perri!

I found your blog on Beth's blog, and I was so excited to see your big news. Chris and I are so happy for ya'll that Levale got picked up and congratulations on your baby! That is wonderful news and we will keep ya'll in our prayers!