Tuesday, July 21, 2009


We were so fortunate this year to be able to drive home after Levale's game in New Orleans for All Star Break! We had a jam packed 3 days, but it was SO NICE to be at home together for a change! We got home Sunday night, and my mom welcomed us with a WONDERFUL home cooked meal at 9pm! Bless her heart, she and my daddy waited on us to eat. After finishing our meal, we headed to our house and this is what we found!A FULLY LANDSCAPED YARD!!! My mom and her friend, Mrs. Cindy worked so hard to get it ready so Levale wouldn't have to worry about it! It was beautiful. They planted hydrangea's, knock our roses, lantana, monkey grass, and lilli's. They spread pine straw, and even put a cross on our mailbox, and in our garden! Thank you so much Mom and Mrs. Cindy. We could NEVER repay you! Now our yard will be beautiful when Campbell comes!!!
On Monday, Levale, Daddy, Mom, and I worked in Campbell's nursery. Levale hung her chandelier, put another shelf in her closet, and hung a few pictures. We got everything accomplished that was on Levale's to do list for ALL- STAR break, so I was very pleased!!! Here are just a few pics of mom, dad and Levale working. I will post the finished product when her nursery is complete!!! (we still have a ways to go!)I was the supervisor all day!!! After we finished, Daddy cooked "Levale's Steak Dinner" and we all enjoyed another wonderful meal!
Tuesday morning, Levale and I went to the Dr. and he got to hear Campbell's heartbeat for the first time in person (he's heard it over the phone), and I had my gestational diabetes test! I passed and EVERYONE was thrilled! Mom and Levale said they couldn't imagine trying to be around me if they took my candy away! ;-) After our Dr's visit we went to get massage's, and met some friends for lunch!We enjoyed a wonderful lunch at one of my favorite places, Niffer's, with the Register's, Huddleston's, and Gross's. All of the guys played baseball at Auburn, and now live in the Auburn area. They all have little girl's that will be in the same grade! Campbell will be a year younger, but will have lots of pretty older girls to teach her all sorts of new tricks! Steven and Gabe are still playing ball as well, so they were home for their ALL-STAR break! We had so much fun, and look forward to many more "play dates" with you guys!!!Precious Kinsie Register, who has grown SO MUCH since the off season! She sat in her high chair and gnawed her fries. She was such an angel!
Sweet Baby Merrill Huddleston. She was so sweet! She slept the ENTIRE time...she never even opened her eyes for her "Aunt Pa-Pa and Uncle Valley" to see them!!!Sweet Little Allie Gross was awake for lunch, but NEVER made a peep! She just sat in her seat until we all finished eating, and then she got out! All 3 girls (who ALL look JUST LIKE their daddies) were so good. Levale and I are wondering if we can order Campbell to act like that! J/K, but I do know where to send Campbell to learn how to behave!!!
On Tuesday night, Mom cooked AGAIN! ( I think we both gained 10 pounds during the break.) She had Nana, Paw-Paw, and Mammy over so everyone could tell Levale bye!Me and Levale with Nana and Paw-Paw after dinner.With Mammy. Thank you so much JJ and Big Daddy for all your help! We could NEVER do it without you! We love you so much!!!


Stephanie said...

So glad to hear all is well! ALways in our prayers!

Ford Family said...

I know you have enjoyed your stay at home..love love the chandelier & I know Miss C's room is going to be just beautiful!! :)

S. L. Perrault said...

I'm so glad you guys to go home for the break! Thank the Lord for 3 days off!! Praying for you guys!!