Monday, February 23, 2009


This past weekend Levale, Mom, Dad, Ticer and I went to Orange Beach for a long weekend. It was mom's birthday on Saturday, so we all went to celebrate. Despite the sunny, but really cold weather, we had a blast! We ate great, slept late, played cards, and relaxed. Our friends, Ashley and James happened to be down there as well, so we got to spend time with them! Saturday night there was a Mardi Gra parade. Levale and I had never seen one, so we went and joined Ash and James to watch it! The floats were so neat. It's amazing how much time and effort people put into them! It was so nice to be able to go to my favorite place and just relax. Thanks Daddy for taking us, and HAPPY LATE BIRTHDAY MOMMA!!! I LOVE YOU!At Fresh Catch for Mom's Birthday DinnerOne of my favorite floats, the dolphin. They all looked this good!Me and Ash with all of our beads we caught. It is crazy, how much they throw out...the streets still had some on them Sunday!!!

Last, I will add a picture of the beautiful beach. Friday morning Levale and I woke up a little early (for us) sat on the balcony in the freezing cold, and admired God's BEAUTIFUL creation. Thank you Lord for sharing it with us.

He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the hearts of men; yet they cannot fathom what God has done from beginning to end. Ecclesiastes 3:11

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